baru diliat aja udah kliatan seger penuh gizi dan nikmats,ya... masakan lauk pauk ala korea ini dinamakan She geum chi Namul (Seasoned Spinach) mudah dibuat tidak memakan waktu dan disajikan sebagai pelengkap lauk anda

dibawah ini resep masakan korea ala She geum chi Namul (Seasoned Spinach) Ingredients: 1 bunch spinach 1 tb soy sauce 1 tb sesame oil 2 tsp sesame seeds 1 tsp minced garlic salt to taste Directions: Wash spinach very thoroughly. Bring pot of water to boil. Blanch the spinach by putting it in boiling water for 1 minute. Remove and rinse in cold running water. Squeeze out excess water. Chop spinach coarsely and place in a bowl. Add remaining ingredients and mix by hand. Taste and add salt if needed. You can also try using garlic salt instead of minced garlic (but I've never tried it before). If you do let me know how it turns out! resep masakan korea lainnya ada juga di pilih resep : sogogee-gook-beef-soup